Regina Miranda has been dividing her life between Rio de Janeiro and New York City, In both cities, she traverses the artistic, cultural, political and business worlds with unusual fluency, combining a successful career as an artist and as a leadership consultant.
Ms. Miranda accumulates more than 20 years of experience as the CEO and Artistic Director of numerous cultural institutions in Brazil, always envisioning programs to stimulate creativity, innovation, and the empowerment of new leaders. She is specially proud to have been the director of the Performing Arts Department of the Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art, and the founding director of the Choreographic Center of the City of Rio de Janeiro.
In NYC, Miranda has been dedicated to the maintenance and development of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, LIMS®, one of the top organizations in the world for the study of movement in all walks of life, where she is honored to work as Chief Executive Officer and Director of Arts & Culture